Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Tiramisu as a cupcake!

One day, as I was thumbing through the pages of a lovely cucpake book, I found a recipe for a tiramisu cupake. I never thought of the idea of tiramisu as a cupcake but the idea SURE sounded good to me, as I really LOVE tiramisu! It looked beautiful and lucious, with it's multi-layers of cream! Yum, yum!! Soooo, I knew that I would have to try it out! I sure wasn't sorry after tasting this delicious cupcake!


Snooky doodle said...

yummy I love Tiramisu' so so good. these look awesome!


Hi Snooky doodle!!! Thanks so much for your comment!! They were ABSOLUTELY D----LISH!!!!!

Sugar Daze said...

These loos so good! I love tiramisu!